The Wheel of Fortune, a card that tells you: anything can happen, and you never know which way the wheel will turn. In readings, it can be a very positive card. Its message: an unexpected opportunity may come your way, so make sure you’re ready for it!

The card also symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, the unpredictability of events, and the influence of fate. It’s a powerful reminder that nothing is permanent: good fortune and misfortune come and go, just like the changing seasons. It invites you to accept fate. And because nothing is permanent, it also advises you to take your destiny into your own hands. How do you learn to go with the flow and embrace your destiny while still making your own choices?

A Lesson in Letting Go

For me, the card is a lesson in letting go of control, being in the here and now, and trusting the constant motion of life. It’s a reminder for me to stay present and trust that if I consciously focus my energy, everything will fall into place.

Control vs. Surrender

Life is a combination of chance and choice. You can’t control chance. Things just happen—that’s fate. You can’t fully steer your destiny, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless. How can you surrender to fate while still taking charge of your life?

Finn, My Wise Teacher

A great metaphor for dealing with unexpected events is my dear cat, Finn, who jumps onto my lap while I’m writing this. Once he has decided he wants cuddles, we’re going to cuddle. My first reaction is: “No, Finn, I’m busy writing!” But Finn doesn’t take no for an answer. So now, we’re cuddling.

This unexpected twist in my morning, which started so full of energy and inspiration, forces me to let go. I decide to use this moment of immobility for meditation. The Wheel is turning, and I choose how to respond. I close my eyes and connect with the card in my mind. What does the Wheel of Fortune mean to me?

The Wheel Turns

I imagine the Wheel before me. Who is spinning it? That doesn’t matter. I see myself keeping my eyes on the prize: that’s what I want! The Wheel keeps spinning, and I realize that by focusing solely on what I want, I miss out on other opportunities. The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that opportunities are always present, but you must be open to them.

Surrender and Preparation

My Wheel stopped at Finn. I wanted to write my first blog of the year, but my morning took a different turn. A fearful little voice whispers, “What if I lose my inspiration? What if the blog never comes?” Yet the situation is telling me something different. Now isn’t the time to write; it’s the time to cuddle. I decide to make the best of it.

After my meditation, Finn is sleeping deeply. I gently place him on the couch and grab my laptop. But he isn’t happy with that. He gets up and returns. I laugh, close my laptop, and give him my full attention. This can result in two things: either he feels overwhelmed and leaves, or we cuddle intensely. Both outcomes are fine. That’s also how I handle my emotions: by giving them my full attention, they sometimes dissolve or bring up new insights. Surrender makes both options valuable.

We spend an hour cuddling on the couch, and I feel my creative spark dimming. Again, that little voice tells me to get up and write. But I don’t want to stress my way out of this moment and choose to trust the process. If the blog is meant to come, it will come. And if not, it was a valuable learning moment for me. But don’t get me wrong: trust doesn’t mean being passive. The card emphasizes hard work and seizing opportunities. You just never know what the outcome will be. Trusting that the blog will come isn’t enough. I still have to write it! The card reminds you: a chance is coming—be prepared!

The End of Being Stuck

The card also symbolizes the end of a cycle of being stuck. Sometimes, it feels like I’m being tossed around by life. My instinct is to cling to something and resist the flow. But that’s impossible. The forces of fate are too strong. It’s wasted energy that can be used in a much better way. Going with the flow means enjoying the highs and learning from the lows. That’s where you accept fate and stop trying to control it.

An Invitation to Take Action

You have less control than you think—and that’s a beautiful thing. Control is an illusion. Surrendering to fate is the most beautiful thing you can do. Accepting what you can’t control doesn’t mean giving up. It’s an exercise in wisdom and strength. You take responsibility for what you can influence while leaving the rest to life itself. But remember: trust is not the same as passivity. The card emphasizes hard work and seizing opportunities.

Book Your Tarot Reading

Would you like to discover what the Wheel of Fortune or another card has to tell you? Let me guide you on your journey of insight and self-reflection. Together, we can explore the twists and turns of your life and help you prepare for what’s to come. Book your tarot reading today and discover what life has in store for you!

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